Companion object in Kotlin

  • Amit Shekhar
    Amit Shekhar
    Published on
Companion object in Kotlin

I am Amit Shekhar, Co-Founder @ Outcome School, I have taught and mentored many developers, and their efforts landed them high-paying tech jobs, helped many tech companies in solving their unique problems, and created many open-source libraries being used by top companies. I am passionate about sharing knowledge through open-source, blogs, and videos.

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In this blog, we will learn about the companion object in Kotlin.

Before jumping into the companion object in Kotlin, we need to see how we use the static keyword in Java.

First, let's consider an example without the static keyword in Java.

public class Mentor {

    public void guide() {



Here, if we have to call the method guide() , we will have to create an object of the Mentor class and then call.

Mentor mentor = new Mentor();;

So, how can we call the method without creating the object of the class?

The answer is the static keyword in Java.

Our updated Mentor class:

public class Mentor {

    public static void guide() {



Now, we can call directly without creating the object of the Mentor class.;

So, we are able to call the method without creating the object of the class in Java with the use of the static keyword.

Now, the next big question is: Can we call a method in Kotlin without creating the object of a class like we just did for Java with the use of a static keyword?

Answer: companion object.

Note: We do not have a static keyword in Kotlin.

In Kotlin, we can call a method of a class without creating the object of that class with the use of a companion object.

Let's create a class Mentor in Kotlin:

class Mentor {

    companion object {

        fun guide() {




Now, we can call the method guide() directly without creating the object of the class Mentor in Kotlin.

Similarly, we can also access any variable. Let's add a variable inside the companion object.

class Mentor {

    companion object {

        const val MAX_SLOTS = 10

        fun guide() {




Now, we can access the variable:

val maxSlots = Mentor.MAX_SLOTS

We can also access as below:

val maxSlots = Mentor.Companion.MAX_SLOTS

Using the Companion object reference, but that is redundant.

Note: The default name of a companion object is Companion.

We can also name our companion object as we have done below:

class Mentor {

    companion object Config {

        const val MAX_SLOTS = 10



We can access the variable as below without the companion reference name:

val maxSlots = Mentor.MAX_SLOTS

and also as below with the companion reference name:

val maxSlots = Mentor.Config.MAX_SLOTS

But the companion reference name is redundant.

Important points to keep in mind while defining a companion object or using it:

  • It cannot be defined outside a class.
  • The object is common in all instances of the class.
  • It is instantiated for the first time as soon as the containing class is loaded. It means that it is instantiated even if we have not used the companion object.

Now, we might have started thinking about why there is a companion object when we already have a regular object in Kotlin.

Example of the regular object in Kotlin.

Defining outside a class:

object Config {

    const val MAX_SLOTS = 10


It can be accessed as below:

val maxSlots = Config.MAX_SLOTS

Defining inside a class:

class Mentor {

    object Config {

        const val MAX_SLOTS = 10



It can be accessed as below:

val maxSlots = Mentor.Config.MAX_SLOTS

When defined inside a class, we can't skip the name while accessing it.

However, this is not the case with the companion object. Companion object allows us to skip the name and access without using the name.

Let me tabulate the differences between both of them for your better understanding so that you can decide which one to use based on your use case.

Companion objectRegular object
It needs to be defined inside a class.It can be defined anywhere.
The companion object is instantiated for the first time as soon as the containing class is loaded. It means that it is instantiated even if we have not used the companion object.The object is instantiated lazily when we access it for the first time.
It is equivalent to a static keyword in Java.Mainly used for providing Singleton behavior.
Gets a default name as a Companion when we do not provide a name.Must be named by us.
We can skip the name while calling a method or accessing a variable.If defined inside a class, we can't skip the name while calling a method or accessing a variable.

This is how the companion object helps us in Kotlin.

Prepare yourself for Android Interview: Android Interview Questions

That's it for now.


Amit Shekhar
Co-Founder @ Outcome School

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